Rotceh Leon Throwaway Footy

Team Rider Rotceh Leon is a beast. He has been out there killing it for years, just for fun. No motive other than that is the way he expresses himself. Regardless if there is a camera or not he will always shred. He is also a nice dude with a good head on his shoulders. He is one of my best friends and one of my favorite skaters. Enjoy this footy Edited by Rotceh Leon himself.  -Robert M.

Homie Montage Vol.2

The Holiday Season has been pretty busy here at Overcast Skate Shop. We are busy working on new stuff and getting our taxes done. But never the less we always find time to get a little sesh in whenever we can. Here is a little montage featuring the homies. Once we get the ball rolling we will get A new team montage together so expect that soon.

Thanks for the support everyone, it means a lot to us and to Skateboarding.